I graduated 2nd in my class from high school
I graduated with 2 bachelors degrees from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
I have been employed at the same job for almost 5 years (Feb 28th)
I have been in a platonic relationship with the love of my life for almost 7 years (July) and not a day goes by that she doesn't amaze me.
I have two cats and two dogs with I love dearly and have for the last four years
I have lived in the same spot now for almost two years, which is a big feat for me. Because I was moving once a year for at least three years in a row, it sucked a lot.
I have written at least three novels in a trilogy, The Jaded Series
I bought a new car, Kia Rio, works and drive fantastically
And last but not least I have a gym membership which I hear almost used once a week for the last three months. Now everyone knows that these gyms make a tone of money from the majority of the population, because most of use are gung ho for about a week or two and then come up with every excuse in the book to convince ourselves that we don't need to go.
so now for the future. Do you ever wonder why people ask the age old question....Where do you see yourself in ten years? I think it's because they want you to think about your future goals. So here it goes...short term goals for now are....
Finish my Undergraduate degree in English Fiction Creative Writing
Work on a new novel about Fae....or....elementals...or anything supernatural....
Maintain a clean house (now this is a tricky one...I fell like I am always cleaning...I think I need a Brownie**
Loose Weight (This is on everyone's list)
Finish editing Book one of the Jaded series (I set a goal of six months, needs to be done by June)
And last but not least set up a workable budget...yeah right...some things are just not plausible.
Long Term Goals
Teach at the community college down the street from my house
Get over my fear of driving
Get into Grad school
Self Publish my novel via Kindle
Live Happily Ever After.
Oh and the most important thing of all indulge myself in a good book.
Till next time folks!!
Song of the Day: Try, Pink
Pic of the Day
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