Saturday, February 9, 2013

Research and Popular Culture

Good Morning all,

I am writing this blog from work on one of my many breaks.  So I have a great idea for a research analysis paper. I have been lulling over it for some time now.  Let me give you some background information about this. Since discovering the many joys of Sociology in college I discovered how awesome popular culture is. And even did my senior seminar on Comic book made moves and their portrayal of Modern Day Society as if adheres to race, gender and sexuality. It was more of a quantitative study and was based off of a list of a hundred questions that I used to answer when I watched the said comic book made movies. I watched at least 25-30 films. All based off of comic books.  I tried to limit myself to movies made in the last twenty years or so. I tried not to go back to the 1980’s. but it was eye opening to see how society is portrayed on film. And since then it’s been a hidden passion of mine.

So that brings me to my next endeavor. I am cross examining teen sitcoms. Ugghh..sounds boring, expect it’s not. When I grew up the only show around about teenagers was Dawson’s Creek. I remember piling in front of the television with my friends and watching the drama unfold in the fictional characters lives. They lived in a small town on the East Cost and then later moved to a bigger city when they went to college. But I started watching them when they were sophomores in high school and followed them until they were adults.

So that brings me to what followed…well in truth it was probably One Tree Hill or the new 90120, but I am going to focus on Gossip Girl and cross examine it with Dawson’s Creek. Thanks to Netflix I now have both sitcoms at my finger tips.  Next I am going to cross examine the supernatural sitcoms.
What do you think? I’m sure it’s all been done before, but I want to see what I can’t find out. Wish me luck. 

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