Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cohabitating and Poetry

Good Morning all!!

This moring I am going to chat about cohabiting and my demise at writing poetry.

First cohabiation. I just want to begin by saying that most mornings I am out walking and taking in the calm before the storm of the day. While I do this I phappen to notice that most driveways have three or more cars parked in the lot. I know they aren't apartments becuase most of them are thos older ranch stle home that most older people live in. This brings me to my next thought of cohabiting.

The empty nest has returned hom. I"m sure that are more than one or two genrations of families living in the same house. This is neat becuase in other countries this is the norm. America is not normal in that the child leaves the home and never looks back and in most cases put thei parents in a nursing home when they are not able to take care of themselves. I feel most of the time that's a very selfish thing to do. I plan on taking in my parentswhen they can't fend for themselves. But going back to what I said, parents, living with kids, and their kid's kids makes for a very interesting upbring. I bet if they did a survey on those kids they would find some very striking differences. Hmmm...sounds like a good experiment. Any takers.

Now onto poetry. Last night for class I have to analyze these two pems which were very different but about the same topic, losing things or themselves. it was then that I realized that I cannot write poetry that is good. My poetry usually consist of a bunch of words seperated by puntuation wtih no rhyme or reason. I"m sure there is a specific poem type that I just describe. But I guess, I hope I get better. I use to write poetry for like a minute, but I thought it ducked so I trashed it all. I"m sure I still have the notbook somewhere.

The song of the day!!

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